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  • How long is the period for hair growth ?

    Within a period of 45 days after you start using Almond Hair serum, hair follicles start to revive at the regions where baldness is experienced and hair growth start to take place. During a period of 60 days, hairs get thickened and new hair formation starts to take place. Period when hair roots are passive is also effective in this formation.For example on a region where hair was lost 2 years ago, it has faster impact, whereas on a region where hair was lost 5 years ago, this can take longer time.

  • Does solution have side effects?

    Almond Hair Plus serum has a special formula being obtained from herbal mixtures. It does not have any side effects. After it is started to be used, it can cause itching to occur at the area where it is applied.

  • Can it be used for alopecia areata ?

    As alopecia areata is generally a disease relating with hair roots, solution is also quite effective in regions where alopecia areata is observed. We got very positive feedback from our many customers experiencing this disease.

  • Should it be used continuously without having any breaks ?

    In order to obtain healthier and rapid results, we recommend you to use without having breaks in accordance with periodical schedule. If you take breaks, product impact will not get reduced but the process could be extended. If you don’t have to take breaks, we recommend you to use continuously with no interruptions. If you can’t find the opportunity due to private situations, you can reduce application for two times a day to once in a day.

  • Why should we use hair roller ?

    During application steps relating with Almond Hair Plus, hair roller has two different types of effects. Firstly, prior to application it opens capillaries in the scalp and accelerates blood flow and in this way, it improves effect of solution on the hair follicles. Secondly, using hair roller significantly accelerates revival process of roots of hair that were lost long time ago. We are getting many messages from our customers in this respect. For this reason we recommend you to use Almond Hair Plus serum together with hair roller.

  • My hair loss increased at the first usage. Is this situation normal ?

    Yes, as the product will revive the follicles holding weak strands when you start with the first application, it causes for these weak strands to be lost and for strong strands to come out. For this reason the loss of these strands is not a hair loss but it is renewal of hair. This period can extend from 1 week to 15 days. After a period of 30-45 days, loss of strands will stop.

  • After I started using the product, my hair got darker. Is this situation normal ?

    Yes. Especially for people having light hair color, as it is progressed with regular usage, darkening for one tone in hair color can be recognized. First reason for this is because in hair getting stronger melanin pigment gets denser (being the pigment giving its color to the hair). On the other hand, as thickening of strands creates a bushier hair image, a darker image occurs with respect to previous image.

  • My hair growth reached to the point where i desired. Should i stop using the product ?

    After your hair grows fully, we don’t recommend you to suddenly stop using the product. In order to strengthen strands relating with hair follicles that revive following last applications, instead of stopping the usage promptly, we recommend you to stop using it by reducing dosage or by changing application period (For example, by applying once in a day in the first week and by applying once in 2 days in the following week).

  • What are cargo / payment and delivery methods ?

    In our system the method for payment at the door is only used. You can place your order by filling in the order form at our site or you can add it to your basket through online store. Product will reach you with the assurance of UPS , DHL and Aramex with which we have agreement. You can make payment to cargo delivery personnel by credit card or as cash while you receive the product.

  • What is cargo delivery period?

    All of your orders are shipped worldwide by ups,dhl and aramex cargo assurance in 3-5 days.

  • How much is the cargo fee ?

    Cargo fee is 12 USD + VAT apart from Mobile Regions (Points and villages that are situated very far from the city or district center). This amount can increase for mobile regions.

  • What is product return policy?

    Before receiving the product you have ordered from cargo officer, control the solidness of package and product absolutely. If you determine any problems relating with product, return the product by writing down the problems you have specified on the product return form together with cargo officer. Products that are received and the cover of which has been opened can not be returned back. But if you recognize that there is a problem relating with the product during the usage stage, you can reach to us. When you deliver the product which you specify as having a problem to us by cargo, a new product will be sent to you again.

  • What do subscriptions have to offer?

    A subscription is a convenient way of receiving a new supply of products when needed without having to go through the checkout process every time. The benefits of a subscription includes a 15% discount on all orders, an adjustable resupply frequency (default is 30 days), and cancellation at anytime. Subscriptions can be accessed through a personal account, which offers easy management. Add/drop products, adjust frequency of delivery to personal preferences, skip unneeded resupply or change delivery date at anytime. A Almond Hair goal is to deliver sustainable results through convenient, high quality service and an easy to navigate interface.

  • Do not have a customer account?

    Registration for a customer account can be done in two ways: First: After placing a subscription order, make sure to register your account with the inputted email to be able to gain access to your customer account and manage subscriptions. This can be down by clicking the "Register account" button after checking out on the order summary page--it should be directed after making the purchase. Second: click on the customer icon in the top right hand corner of the website or scroll to the bottom of the website to the footer and under "General", select "Account Login". Once clicked, you will be directed to the "Login" page. Select the "New customer? Sign up for an account" link. Here an account can be made without committing to a subscription. One-time orders can be placed within your customer account to avoid reentering payment method details for every new order. Made a subscription order, but already left the order summary without registering and need immediate access? Go to the "Account Login" and under "Having issues managing your subscriptions?", select the "Click here" link. Insert the email address used to place the order--an order confirmation should have been sent to this email address--and click on "Get Subscription Login". An email subjected "Almond Hair Account Access" should be sent where you are able to "Manage Subscription". If the link does not work the first time, be sure to click on it one or two more times, and it should give you direct access to your customer account.

  • Already have a password but cannot remember it?

    Go to the "Account Login" and select "Forgot your password?" Insert the email address used to make the account and an email will be sent to reset the password.

  • Do not have a password for your customer account and need to create one?

    Contact one of our customer care agents to send an account activation email, which will allow you to create a password for your customer account.

  • Received a "No account found with that email" when attempting to reset your password?

    This response occurs due to either the account with this email address not existing or it has not yet been activated. If the latter, please contact a customer care agent to send an account activation email to gain access.

  • Can the delivery method be changed?

    Unfortunately once the shipping method has been selected, it is not possible to change it. Almond Hair technicians are finding ways to implement this feature to allow customers the ability to adjust selected delivery methods which is most convenient and applicable for them.

  • How to order an upcoming subscription order today?

    Select "Subscriptions" on the navigation bar in the customer account. In the "Subscriptions" subsection, click "Manage Subscriptions" next to the subscribed product that you intend to order today. To place an order without changing your subscription schedule: Under "Your Subscription", select "Order Now" to place the order. The next scheduled subscription order will still be processed on the intended date without adjusting for this new transaction. To place an order which will adjust the subscription schedule to accommodate this transaction: Under "Your Subscription", select "Next Shipment" and click on "Ship Now" to place the order. The next scheduled order will be 30 days later--or whichever frequency is chosen for this subscription--from the "Ship Now" date.

  • How to add a product?

    Select "Subscriptions" on the navigation bar in the customer account. In the "Subscriptions" subsection, an action button can be selected on the right hand side called "add product". Once clicked, a sidebar will pop up and allow viewing for all products which can be added either as a subscription or one-time purchase. Once a product has been selected for subscription, the delivery frequency (how many days before the next order), shipping address, quantity, and date of the next charge (when the current order needs to be processed) can be chosen. Note that by adding a product using this method, the item will be independent of any other scheduled orders or active subscriptions. It is possible to add a product to a current existing subscription. To do so, click on "Manage Subscription" next to the subscription which needs to be edited. Once directed to "Your Subscription", on the right hand side, a product can be selected either as a one-time purchase or an additional subscribed item. Once selected, the new product will be delivered at the same time as the pre-existing subscription.

  • How to view the order schedule and/or skip an order?

    Select "Delivery Schedule" on the navigation bar in the customer account. In the "Delivery Schedule" subsection, you can view scheduled upcoming order dates. The displayed dates are when the order will be processed at the warehouse, and not when they will be received to the shipping address. Under the desired date(s), click on "Skip" next to the order to push the upcoming delivery back to the next scheduled delivery date. If you would like to undo skipping an order, click on "Unskip Shipment".

  • How to adjust delivery frequency?

    Select "Subscriptions" on the navigation bar in the customer account. In the "Subscriptions" subsection, click "Manage Subscriptions" next to the subscribed product that you intend to edit. Under "Your Subscriptions", select "Deliver Every ** Days". Here, the frequency can be any amount of designated days under 180. For example, a frequency of 20 can be selected where a new order is delivered every 20 days.

  • How to apply a discount to a subscription order?

    Select "Subscriptions" on the navigation bar in the customer account. In the "Subscriptions" subsection, click "Manage Subscriptions" next to the subscribed product which is applicable for the discount. Under "Your Subscription", scroll to the bottom of the customer account page and click on "Add Discount". If the discount does not apply to the order, it is likely because the order does not qualify for this specific promoted discount or because there is an error in the system. If the latter, please contact a representative at customer care to help fix this issue.

  • How to cancel a subscription?

    Select "Subscriptions" on the navigation bar in the customer account. In the "Subscriptions" subsection, click "Manage Subscriptions" next to the subscribed product that you intend to cancel. Under "Your Subscription", scroll to the bottom of the customer account page and click on "Cancel My Subscription". Once processed, the "Subscriptions" subsection should update to have the canceled subscription relegated as "Inactive subscriptions". If at some point in the future you would like to start up the subscription again, press the "Reactivate" button.

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